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The ultimate guide to CIAM metrics: a cheat sheet for measuring financial impact

At Strivacity, we talk a lot about being forgettable. When the end user – our customer's customer – signs into a system we support, we want it to be so easy they don't even notice.

But when it comes to adding up the value of that forgettable sign-in, we want everyone to notice. Marketing and customer experience, IT and security, the C-suite – everyone with a stake in the journey needs to see and understand how it ties into cost, risk, and revenue.

Here's the thing, though: Measuring a customer journey that feels effortless takes, well, effort. And it's not always obvious where to start.

You have to figure out which touchpoints or tactics you care about – identity verification, biometric validation, account recovery, one-touch purchasing, growing your rewards programs, and so on.

Then, you've got to calculate costs and potential ROI. Will it lower IT op-ex? Reduce fraud? Increase customer engagement, upsell, referrals? By how much and as a function of what?

It's a lot.

If only there was a tool to make the whole exercise a bit less daunting. A handy, visual guide, perhaps? Perhaps even the ultimate guide to measuring customer sign-in journeys.

Well, I have good news.

Introducing the CIAM Metrics Mind Map: 43 tactical metrics to answer any ROI question

You can get the full version of our CIAM Metrics Mind Map here. It may not make ROI calculations as effortless as our CIAM solutions make your customer sign-in, but we hope it'll make it easier.

The mind map starts with three goals that every executive leadership team is already looking at: reducing costs, growing customers, and increasing revenue.

Across those goals, it defines a dozen ways that CIAM can make a difference – strategies like making it easier for customers to create accounts and harder for fraudsters to perpetrate a takeover. For each strategy, the mind map captures multiple tactics to make it happen and connects each one to something you can count, like:

  • Average time to provision new users
  • Free trials that convert
  • Purchases and transactions
  • User support calls
  • Hours spent investigating fraud

In total, the CIAM Metrics Mind Map gives you simple equations for 43 tactical metrics. That's one more than the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.

Clearly, the ultimate guide!

Getting started: two ways to make the mind map work for you

The CIAM Metrics Mind Map is designed to work either top down or bottom up. If you're on the hook for an initiative to grow customers or you're down in the weeds looking to optimize a specific step in the journey, the mind map can help you isolate the next best step, measure it, and communicate the financial impact.

Armed with objective metrics, you can tell a clear story about how your customer journeys are performing and connect the dots for other stakeholders who look at customer sign-in journeys through a different lens – from the IT team to your CMO and even your CISO.

Ready to get started? Download the guide and start dialing in your ROI compass.